Newborn Prep Guide |
KRYSIA PHOTOGRAPHY NEWBORN PREP GUIDE Krysia Photography books her newborn sessions when your new baby is 6-14 days in age. Please be sure and book your session while you are still pregnant to ensure availability. Krysia Photography has a home-based studio and schedules newborn sessions Monday thru Friday at approximately 10 am while mom and dad are on maternity/paternity leave. Day Before your scheduled session: 1. Pack your diaper bag with extra receiving blankets, diapers, pacifiers, burp cloths and an extra shirt change for you, just in case! (Please don't forget a pacifier - sometimes it is the only thing that will sooth a fussy baby during a session). Also bring some gas drops or gripe water in your diaper bag, in case baby has an upset tummy on the day of your session. Before leaving for your session the next day, be sure and pack extra bottles of milk (pumped or formula) for your session, as your baby will eat 2-3 times more than usual due to being naked and the air stimulation. 2. If you are breastfeeding, please be sure and avoid spicey foods, beans, hot sauce, pizza or any type of food that will upset baby's tummy on the day of our session. A gassy baby makes an uncomfortable and fussy baby on the day of your session. 3. Please be sure and feed your baby well during the 24 hours prior to your newborn session. This will make sure your baby isn't starving and wanting to feed the entire session while you are here the next day. 4. Remove all bandages/bandaids the day before your session from your baby's skin. Day of your scheduled session: 1. Be sure and keep your baby awake 1-2 hours before your scheduled newborn session to ensure your baby is sleepy during your newborn session. If you are driving from a long distance, be sure and interact with your baby during your travel to ensure your baby is asleep when you arrive, and not sleeping during the entire drive. 2. If you live a short distance from Krysia Photography, please give your baby a 30 minute warm bath before making the drive to your newborn session. Stimulating your baby with a warm bath right before your session will help your baby to sleep easier during your session once you arrive. If you live farther away than 40 minutes via GPS, please skip this step entirely. A warm bath will cause your baby to want to sleep, and sleeping during a long drive will cause your baby to be awake during most of you session. 3. Please be sure and feed your baby just before leaving for the studio. Also be sure and bring your extra pumped bottles of milk (or formula) for the session. Your baby will want to eat 2-3 times more than normal, just due to the naked air stimulation, so be sure and prepare for that. A full/content baby is a happy, sleepy baby, and the sleepier your baby is during his/her newborn session equals those sleepy newborn portraits you will love! 4. Dress your baby in a newborn gown or loose fitting clothing for the travel to the studio. This will ensure your baby stays asleep when undressing him/her to be photographed during your session. 5. Dress loose and comfortably for your session. My studio is kept 80-85 degrees for newborn sessions, and you will definitely be too warm for thick sweaters and sweatshirts of any kind. Also be sure and remember that extra shirt you packed the night before - you may get pooped, peed or spit-up on during your session. 6. Family and sibling portraits are definitely allowed and encouraged for your session. Please wear neutral clothing (creams, grays, etc.) and stay simple. The focus will be primarily on your new baby, with you added to the portraits. Light, airy clothing without prints seem to work best. FAQ Question: Can I bring hats and headbands to my newborn session? Answer: I supply all props, backgrounds, fabric, hats, and headbands needed for your newborn session. You are welcome to bring anything you have purchased or received as a gift (props, hats, etc.) that you would like for your new baby to be photographed with. Question: Can I have family portraits done with my new baby? Answer: Of course! Question: How long does a newborn session take? Answer: Between 1-3 hours approximately Question: Can I schedule an evening newborn session? Answer: No, I will not schedule a newborn evening session. The last newborn session I did 7 years ago on an evening lasted 6 hours, and it was miserable for the baby and the parents. Newborns tend to cluster feed during the night, and their fussy period is after 5 pm. Therefore, all newborn sessions are scheduled at approximately 9-10 am. Question: I live 2 hours away, is it ok for my newborn to sleep during the drive to your home-based studio? Answer: It is not advised to allow a baby to sleep 2 hours before his/her newborn session. This will ensure your baby is completely awake during the newborn session, and possibly fussy. Please keep your baby stimulated and awake (as best as possible) for 1-2 hours before your scheduled session. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at: |